I have been writing for a few years as and when I like at www.alemdag.org . My interest areas are mainly technology, martial arts and personal development. I can’t ignore travel, Turkish culture and history either.
Writing was just a hobby to keep my few articles in one place. My few articles has been published in Yerelce and Light Millennium where I also have a seat on BOD (Board of Directors). Bircan Unver, President and Chair of LM and Nusret Ozgul, owner of Yerelce both encouraged me to write more. Thank you to both of them.
Recently, I decided to narrow down my writing to focus mainly on personal development and martial arts (sports and healthy living) under my new website www.isaalemdag.com .
Of course, with this decision, I’d like to do some structured writing more often rather than as and when I have inspiration. I have lots of inspiration but sitting and writing them down is something else. I need to habituate it.
Quite a number of you subscribed to my website and interested in my articles. Thank you. It’s not fair to keep you waiting ages to read something. But at the same time, I don’t like to bombard you with uninteresting articles.
My articles will reflect some of the real life experiences from my own life. So, look forward to some interesting articles which will help you to better your life or at least make you think.
Isa Alemdag
Friday, 18 July 2014
Selam Isa
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