There are thousands of herbs and spices from all corners of the world. Every one of them has a different usage and goodness in it. The real secret is to know which one to use when and how to combine them for effective benefit of healthy living.
After catastrophic Chernobyl nuclear accident which was a disaster on 26 April 1986, radiation reached to the Turkey and north east Turkey (black sea region) was affected. The region mainly grew Tea and Hazel Nuts. There was a huge debate on should the people consume these products or not. It was decided that all the harvested Tea should be dumped and got rid of.
Unfortunately most of this was marketed illegally. The real disaster effects happened after 15-20 years later. Many people suffered and died from cancer.
During these stressful days, people started to look for alternative medicine such as herbs. The unpleasant days hit our family as well. My father got cancer. It may or may not be the result of Chernobyl accident but it seemed that every family in the region more or less had one member with this deadly illness.
We did all that we can with conventional medication but that wasn’t enough. I began the search for alternative medicine. First, I came across water treatment. It wasn’t going to work. There was no way we could get him to drink 1.5 litres of water first thing every morning. But we did try to get him drink some.
Then Herbal medicine was the next big thing. One of my friends mentioned his close friend who spent around 40 years dealing with herbs. I got in touch and talked to him. He needed more information then I was expecting so I got my sister to talk. After series of questions he decided to come up with a mixture of herbs, 14 to be exact, and posted to us. It consisted two packs which would last 2-3 months. The way to take it was mixing with pure honey. The mixture would also allow herbs to release some of their goodness into the honey as days pass and form a solid herbal support.
Unfortunately it was a bit late for us, by the time we had the herbal treatment, it was too late. But I kept in touch with Herbalist friend. In my last visit to Ankara, he showed me his depot/mixing factory and shops. He is like walking library. A day of herbal information made me dizzy.
He has various combinations for Asthma, Kidney Stones, Tea for stopping gas, Tea for Diabetes, relaxing Tea to name just a few. He collects most of these herbs himself when their time comes and spends considerable amount of time I nature travelling from one place to other in Turkey.
He even made his own soap because he couldn’t find a soap which was good enough for his skin. For ladies he put together a face mask and skin lotions. All organic and 100% natural.
There are certain herbs found only in specific places and regions. [Tweet “Some of the herbs and spices defines, adds the richness of the particular country and culture.”]
Herbs are defined in three main categories. These are Culinary Herbs, Medicinal Herbs and Spiritual Herbs. Culinary herbs used in small amounts to add flavour to the foods. Medicinal herbs have effects on the body and require care and attention for right use. Some plants used for various religions to induce spiritual experiences like vision quests in Native American cultures.
Herbs and spices used since early times in Turkish culture. Old wives medicines are famous. These are handed down from generation to generation and still survived to date.
I don’t like taking medicines unless it’s absolutely necessary. We hear some nightmare stories about modern medicines. I prefer natural remedies, natural food and natural living. If you are worried about your health and well-being, you should do a little search and find out about natural living with organic food as much as possible. There is a huge world out there on this subject and it’s growing fast to preserve what we have left from GMOs.
Isa Alemdag
[…] There are thousands of herbs and spices from all corners of the world. Every one of them has a different usage and goodness in it. The real secret is to know which one to use when and how to combine them for effective benefit of healthy living. After catastrophic Chernobyl nuclear accident which was a disaster on 26 April 1986, radiation reached to the Turkey and north east Turkey (black sea region) was affected. The region mainly grew Tea and Hazel Nuts. There was a huge debate on should the people consume these products or not. It was decided that all the harvested Tea should be dumped and got rid of. […]