The Benevolent Sky Deity in Tengrism Ülgen is one of the most significant deities in Tengrism, the ancient spiritual belief system of the Turkic peoples. He is…
Erlik Han in Tengrism
The Lord of the Underworld In Tengrism, the ancient spiritual belief system of the Turkic and peoples, Erlik Han is a central figure associated with the underworld, darkness,…
The Ancient Faith of the Turks Tengrism is the ancient spiritual and religious belief system of the Turkic peoples, deeply rooted in shaman(ism) (Kam), animism, and…
The Tree Intelligence
I have fruit and pine trees in my garden in North Cyprus. I love trees and strive to maintain them. Pomegranate, lemon, mandarin, apricot and wild…
A Day Out of Time
North Cyprus is a small country brimming with wonders. There are places I can never get enough of and find myself returning to time and again.…
Internet Scams – Understanding and Combating
Internet Scams. How to Recognize, Prevent, and Respond to Online Fraud Throughout my internet usage, I’ve encountered a vast number of spam emails and various scammers,…
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My experience and application of fasting which proved to be beneficial increasing my health and energy, lowering my weight to an acceptable level. Around 6 years…
Challenges, Tests and Justice
“God’s Justice Has No Time Limit” Since 2014, I have been having difficult experiences in Turkey. Along the way I have grown, learnt a lot, explored, and…
Changing Times & Adaptation
Since covid pandemic, we have experienced dramatic changes in our lives. The effects are ranging from one side of the spectrum to the other. Earlier this…